QPL Friends

The name of the organization shall be “Friends of the Quitman Public Library.”
The Friends of the Quitman Public Library is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization dedicated to support and advocacy for the Quitman Public Library. Founded in 1975, the FOL is a mature organization that continues to grow and develop.
Join us and experience the difference Friends can make in your library!
♥ ♥ OFFICERS 2025 ♥ ♥
PRESIDENT: Jackie Blaylock
TREASURER: Rebekah Yeager
SECRETARY: Anita Nance
The Mission of the Friends of the Quitman Public Library is
to support library services, facilities and collection development activities through volunteer services, fund raising events as a source of financial contribution, membership and social gatherings.
to serve as an information resource for the community through the exchange of ideas, publication of a newsletter for members, and by offering presentations to help advance the library.
to be advocates of library legislation, for support of the Quitman Public Library at the local and state level.